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Aug 21, 2019

The year is 2261, the name of the place is Babylon 5!

The Aboods have returned!  JEFF & NICK ABOOD are back to discuss another season of the science fiction television epic, BABYLON 5!

This time your co-hosts DAVID TAVOLIER and JOSHUA WITSAMAN are discussing season 4, the penultimate chapter of this 90's classic!  There...

Aug 14, 2019

The year is 2260, the name of the place is Babylon 5!

For this episode of TRIO SIMPATICO, the trio is a quartet!  Joining your co-hosts for this BABYLON 5 conversation are returning guests JEFF & NICK ABOOD!

Continuing the theme of BABYLON 5 the podcast has reached season three of the sci-fi epic, which many consider to...

Aug 7, 2019

The year is 2259, the name of the place is Babylon 5!

Co-hosts DAVID TAVOLIER and JOSHUA WITSAMAN are back to discuss the second season of BABYLON 5!  Also returning this episode is TRIO SIMPATICO legal counsel BRIAN ASHTON to continue his conversation about this sci-fi epic!

The second season of the show picks up where...