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Nov 5, 2016

By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth! Through the flames of the Faltine!  TRIO SIMPATICO brings you this quick bonus episode where we present to you, our faithful listeners, our immediate reactions upon viewing the latest Marvel Studios presentation: DR. STRANGE!

Joining David and Joshua this episode are none other than RYAN RIMMELE, DANA GALBRAITH, BRIAN ASHTON, and ROSEY TUMPAK!

There are a few, quick, mild, spoilers included in this brief bonus episode.  Those of you who are trying to remain stringently spoiler-free may want to avoid this one until after you see the movie.  But if you're just looking for a quick commentary about the film while you decide whether or not to see this movie then this might be a good resource for you. 

And you should see this movie because, spoiler alert, we all for the most part really liked it!

So listen now, either here OR across the astral plane to this bonus episode from TRIO SIMPATICO!